The story of the Pocket Therapist
The Pocket Therapist application is based on the neuro-physiologist Stephen W Porges's Polyvagal Theory about the ANS and how to apply it to trauma therapy. The Pocket Therapist has been developed by Marko Punkanen PhD, Trauma Psychotherapist and Trainer. He has been working with severely traumatised clients since 1999. The Pocket Therapist has developed from the practical need to find new ways to help clients to learn self regulation skills.
The Pocket Therapist has been developed in collaboration with clients and it will give them concrete and active tools to regulate stress and trauma based symptoms, in a way that is accessible and discrete, irrespective of time or place.
Clients have experienced the Pocket Therapist to be helpful and user friendly. It has offered support and help to alleviate stress and trauma symptoms even on a bus or busy train without drawing the attention of others. With the Pocket Therapist the clients have been able to practise the exercises for ANS regulation outside of the therapy sessions at a time suitable to them.

Marko Punkanen PhD is a trauma psychotherapist, music therapist, dance movement therapist, researcher and trauma psychotherapy trainer. He has several decades of experience in treating severe traumas. His specialist area is in the treatment of complex and attachment trauma, the bodily symptoms of trauma (somatoform dissociation) and the use of the body in trauma treatment.
Dr Punkanen is the first certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Psychotherapist® in Finland and he is also a trainer in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.
tel. +358-40-5551355